Archived (old posts)

Please note these posts may contain outdated information – most of them were posted between 5 to 10 years ago!

Ruby dev environment (Yosemite)

Having recently reformatted my Mac, I thought I’d jot some notes down on setting up a Ruby dev environment too. In this post we’ll set up our fresh dev enviroment for Ruby, and cover installing and setting up the following…

Ruby is about to get red hot. Again.

Widely regarded as the language of the web, Ruby’s always been pretty damn hawt. But now it’s about to get even hotter. AltRubies have been pushing Ruby into realms we never thought possible. Is Ruby set to become the preferred language of the browser? Of mobile apps? Of hardware, even? Let’s take a look at

Mac file sharing not working?

Or are you getting ‘connection failed’? If you’ve been pulling your hair out (like I have!) despite following advice on the Apple forums (like turning off SMB, but keeping AFP sharing on) to no avail, then this might be of help!

Railscasts Alternatives

As many of you might know, I LOVE Railscasts – and like many of you, I miss Ryan heaps. He has a knack of being able to make things look super easy; his screen casts enable you to learn a great deal in just a few minutes. I don’t know about you, but my Rails

Learning Vim

If you’re interested in learning Vim you’re in luck – because there are some great resources out there. In this post I’m going to document the ones I’ve been using, in a step-by-step kinda way – hopefully making it easy to follow for anyone else keen on learning. By the end of it, you should