Archived (old posts)

Please note these posts may contain outdated information – most of them were posted between 5 to 10 years ago!

How to get Capistrano to ignore upload directories (Carrierwave)

As you probably know, Capistrano creates a fresh directory for your app every time you deploy a new version. So if you want some directories (or files) to be carried through to each version, such as files uploaded by users, then we just need to tell Capistrano that they are shared – and to use …

How to get Capistrano to ignore upload directories (Carrierwave) Read More »

Rails Migrations – how I’m using them

I’m fairly certain I am using them a little unconventionally, and just wondered – am I alone? Before going on I will add that I’m able to use them this way because a) the app is still in development, and b) I am the only developer.

Stop knocking Rails – it’s easy to learn!

It seems fashionable to knock Rails as beginner unfriendly these days, but I think that’s wholly unfair – because I found Rails *much* easier to learn, and a better option for web development than most (if not all) of the other ‘options’ (some I tried, some I researched and rejected). Easier because Rails is written …

Stop knocking Rails – it’s easy to learn! Read More »

Ruby Koans Answers

Looking for the answers to Ruby Koans? Well you’re not going to get them here! But what I will do is show you how to get them and who to ask if you get stuck.