How to install MySQL on Lion (Mac OS X )
If you want to install MySQL on Lion it’s pretty easy, just head on over and download the DMG from (for lion you’ll need the 64bit DMG Archive).
If you want to install MySQL on Lion it’s pretty easy, just head on over and download the DMG from (for lion you’ll need the 64bit DMG Archive).
This post is part of my series on Clean Lion install for Ruby Development. Firstly, as far as I know there is no perfect way to do this – ideally you could tell OS X where each directory in your home folder lives (or points to)… and this could have easily been achieved by simple
This post is part of my series on Clean Lion install for Ruby Development. Next we’ll set up our fresh dev enviroment for Ruby. Here we’ll cover installing and setting up: GCC (or Xcode) Homebrew Xcode Rbenv or RVM Ruby 2.1.3 Rubygems Rails POW – Optional MySQL & Unix set-up
This post is part of my series on Clean Lion install for Ruby Development. Following on from your clean Lion install, we’ll now restore important files to make life easier, my list is below yours might vary slightly: Mail Keychains Address book Cyberduck bookmarks Opera wand, bookmarks, speedial .ssh folder
This guide is based on doing a clean Lion install from an existing Lion install (via upgrade). The reason I upgraded first was because I wanted to make sure all important files (such as Mail/keychains etc) that I will be copying over were already Lion-ready. Please note this post is part of the series Clean
It really is quite simple! Buy your SSD (I purchased the Crucial M4 as it seems to have the best reviews) and get a mounting kit depending on where you want to install the disk. I opted to install it in the second DVD bay slot as this leaves your 4 HD bays free for
I know there’s a few of these posts around, but I wanted to do one purely for my own notes if nothing else. Particularly as I will be setting things up a little differently (partly because I have just installed a SSD and will be using more than one drive and…) because some of the