
Rails TextMate Themes

Looking for some of the best TextMate themes for Ruby on Rails? Well look no further as I’ve done all the hard work for you and have compiled a list of some of the most popular themes 🙂

How to install XCache

XCache is one of the most respected php cachers around, so here’s a little how to guide that I wrote up as a reference for myself a while back. Hope you find it useful… Ssh telnet into your server as root user Grab XCache by typing: cd /usr/local/src wget Wait for package to download

Ultimate MYSQL backup script – part one!

There are lots of scripts out there that do a great job of backing up your MYSQL database – so why’s this one any different? And why does it deserve the ‘Ultimate’ label? Well, it… Is one of the few backup scripts that elegantly turns your site ‘off’ whilst carrying out a backup Stores a …

Ultimate MYSQL backup script – part one! Read More »